
Unlock Seamless Collaboration and Security – Discover Our Comprehensive Feature Set

Why Nextcloud One?

With Nextcloud One, users have easy access and can share and collaborate on their files, photos and documents wherever they are. All that without any data leaks to third parties and having full control over their data.

Easy access anywhere

A modern and easy-to-use web interface, desktop clients and mobile apps. Real-time collaboration and instant access to all data from any device, anywhere!


Ultimate security

A modern and easy-to-use web interface, desktop clients and mobile apps. Real-time collaboration and instant access to all data from any device, anywhere!


Deep integration

A modern and easy-to-use web interface, desktop clients and mobile apps. Real-time collaboration and instant access to all data from any device, anywhere!


Hosted in Germany

Benefit from Germany’s strict data protection laws with Nextcloud One. Enjoy enhanced data security and GDPR compliance, assured by German hosting standards.

Streamlined Workflow Control

Nextcloud One empowers system administrators with comprehensive tools to manage and dictate data flow among users across servers. Utilizing rule-based file tagging and responses to various triggers such as physical location, user group, file properties, and request types, administrators can enforce precise control over data access. This includes the ability to restrict access, transform, delete, or preserve data in alignment with business protocols or legal mandates. Nextcloud One places IT in the driver’s seat, ensuring data integrity and security.

Compliance Kit

Auditing capabilities

File Access Control

Hosted in Germany

Built-in Compliance Architecture

Nextcloud One is engineered with a focus on compliance, featuring robust tools for data policy enforcement, encryption, user management, and auditing capabilities to ensure your operations meet regulatory standards effortlessly.

Ready to take collaboration and data storage to the next level?

30-day free trial with all features included

Why Nextcloud One?

Sophisticated File Versioning

Enhance your document management with advanced file versioning in Nextcloud One. This feature not only allows you to view historical versions of files but also enables side-by-side comparisons, facilitating an in-depth review process and simplifying document evolution tracking.

Enhanced File Picker Dialog

Nextcloud One’s file picker dialog elevates user experience by supporting quick access to favorites and recent files. It intelligently remembers your sort preferences and the last accessed location, streamlining file navigation and making it significantly more user-friendly.

Comprehensive Integrations

Expand your collaborative ecosystem with Nextcloud One’s integrations. Seamlessly connect with Microsoft Outlook, SharePoint, Windows Desktop, MS Office Online Server, Teams, and Slack, ensuring a cohesive and flexible work environment across your favorite tools.

Dynamic File Tagging

Enhance your document management with advanced file versioning in Nextcloud One. This feature not only allows you to view historical versions of files but also enables side-by-side comparisons, facilitating an in-depth review process and simplifying document evolution tracking.

Collaborative Circles and Group Folders

Nextcloud One’s file picker dialog elevates user experience by supporting quick access to favorites and recent files. It intelligently remembers your sort preferences and the last accessed location, streamlining file navigation and making it significantly more user-friendly.

Key Capabilities

  • Live Photo Support: Live Photo functionality on iOS and Android.
  • EXIF Metadata: Detailed photo organization with EXIF.
  • Vue.js Enhancement: Improved file management with Vue.js.
  • PDF Annotation: Direct notes and comments on PDFs.
Admin Manual

Please note that the manual contains and describes functions that differ from the available functions of Nextcloud One.

User Manual

Please note that the manual contains and describes functions that differ from the available functions of Nextcloud One.